Lasting Pain Relief


Without needles, drugs, or surgery,

Even when you’ve tried everything else!

Is This You?

  • Is pain a constant in your life, like THOSE relatives who don’t know when it’s time to leave?
  • Do you feel like your body is letting you down and holding you back from living a full life?
  • Is sleep a thing of the past, back in the olden days when you were younger and painfree?
  • Do you want to be down and dirty playing with the kids or grandkids without pain?
  • Do you have more sick days at work than holidays, due to pain?
  • Or, are you suffering through each day at work and surviving on pain killers?
  • Is your garden dying because you can’t get out there as much as you’d like?
  • Are you itching to travel more, but don’t know if you can manage?
  • Do you feel like no-one understands, because you have this ‘invisible illness’ that people can’t see? If you had a broken leg, they’d understand, wouldn’t they?

What if I told you I have a secret weapon against pain?

This incredible technique relieves pain, stiffness, and tightness in muscles and joints. It creates lasting pain relief in a relatively rapid timeframe. You won’t need treatments 3 times a week for months on end. In fact, I expect that you’ll see results in just 3 once weekly treatments.

You have nothing to lose…. except your pain!

I specialise in this technique  because it’s just so effective!

Hi I’m Kylie….

I’ve been working with people in pain for almost 10 years. For most people, it’s not the pain itself that’s the issue. It’s the inability to live their life they way they want. Sure, getting rid of the pain would be great, but living your life the way you want is an even better goal. So, that’s what I like to achieve with my clients.

I’ve had a back problem myself since way back in my nursing days.  As I’ve added a few years to my life, my back has added a few challenges for me to deal with! The point is, I understand what you are dealing with, and I want to show you how I can help.

Introducing My Secret Weapon

My secret weapon for all these years is a little known technique called Bowen Therapy. I sometimes describe this technique as the ‘no-massage massage’. Rather than needing to be rubbing heavily and deeply into every painful muscle or joint you have (which hurts like…. well, you know…), I can use this technique to apply a precisely placed rolling type ‘Bowen Move’, which creates a ripple effect of pain relief and relaxation throughout your entire body. It’s like the best massage you never had! You get all the benefits, without any of the pain and no cracking of your joints.

This technique works by reminding your brain (control central) of the way your body is meant to be, rather than the way the years have made it (a cross between a sway-backed horse with a rounded neck like a flamingo – your grandmother can still be heard telling you to stand up straight while she poked you between your shoulder blades, can’t she!).

I use an advanced body-reading technique that helps me understand what’s going on in your body. Combine that with the experience of having my hands on hundreds of people’s backs over 10 years means I can find issues that you didn’t even know you had.

Imagine yourself pain free… you can get out of bed easily in the morning after a restful sleep, you walk freely and without stiffness, you go about your day enjoying yourself before you fall into the comfort of your bed at the end of the day, and you suddenly realise, you’ve been pain free all day.

With Bowen Therapy, you too can experience lasting pain relief, starting today. 

Oh, I should tell you about the side effects:

  • During your treatment you’ll feel so relaxed you won’t want to move off the bed
  • You’ll sleep like a lazy cat in a sunny window
  • Your digestion will tick along like clockwork, and
  • You’ll have energy to burn like you’re 10 years younger!

Sorry about that!!

Back Pain

Your aching back is not something you need to just live with. From a dull ache to the more serious slipped discs, or the dreaded sciatica, Bowen Therapy can help.

Hips, Knees & Feet

Everything is connected to everything else in the body, and your legs are no exception. Let’s get them working again!

Necks and Shoulders

Neck and shoulder pain is, literally, a pain in the neck… Don’t put up with it any longer!


Need to stop  a migraine in it’s tracks? Stop by here for some treatment.  Regular Bowen Therapy can even prevent recurring migraines.


From sporting injuries to a fall, if you want fast recovery try Bowen Therapy. You’ll be surprised at how quickly it works.


Bowen Therapy has been proven in research studies to be effective at relieving the pain of fibromyalgia. We can also discuss nutritional strategies for recovery.


Call me: 0407 049 332

What People Are Saying

“My back hasn’t felt this good i 10 years. Thank you!”


“I’m here for some more of those magic hands!”


“I was facing back surgery only 8 weeks ago, now I don’t need it!”


“When you can do this again, you’ll wonder why you didn’t try Bowen Therapy sooner.”

Kylie Russell, Bowen Therapist and Pain Relief Specialist

This All Sounds Great But…

Does the treatment hurt?

You know the old saying ‘no pain, no gain’? Well, I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t heal the body without inflicting pain. So, I loved that Bowen Therapy is gentle yet very effective. Now I say – ‘no pain, no pain’!

How fast does it work?

Everyone is different, so I can’t say for sure. What I can say is that around 85% of my clients get pain relief and good results right from the first treatment. The ones who don’t, usually get a good result after their second treatment.

Most people with long term pain have a treatment once a week for 3-4 weeks, then we spread out the treatments to once a fortnight, or once a month.

For recent injuries, a couple of treatments usually gets on top of it.

What happens during a treatment?

A first treatment usually takes around 45 minutes. You can remain clothed for the treatment. I’ll apply the Bowen Technique to rebalance your whole posture, then work directly on the painful areas. After your treatment, your body will be changing and responding to the treatment for 3 or 4 days.

Does my private health insurance cover Bowen Therapy?

Most private health funds do cover Bowen Therapy. Check with your fund to make sure you have the right policy first to be sure.

I'm 90 years old, can it help me?

Bowen Therapy is effective at any age. Because it’s gentle, I can get pain relief for you without causing you any pain.

Can my baby or child have Bowen Therapy?

Sure can. Because it’s a gentle technique, children usually love it. I’ve treated many babies from birth for sore necks (from being born), reflux, colic, or babies who are unsettled.

What else do you do to help?

I’m also qualified as a nutritionist, so I can help you with nutritional strategies for healthy living, healthy eating, weight loss, digestive problems, pain relief, and more.

What are your qualifications?

Diploma Bowen Therapy
Advanced Diploma Nutritional Medicine
Bachelor Health Science (Nutrition, Exercise Science)


Call me now: 0407 049 332

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