Another day, another drink. Or three.
Thankfully the nausea and discomfort I had after eating the steak last night settled overnight and I felt fine this morning. Except, I had to drink another drink. That created a whole new kind of discomfort.
Mixed it up, down it goes. I’m still struggling to get it down.
My belly seems bloated today. It’s not particularly uncomfortable, but ‘poochy’. Most likely this is a degree of die off happening. After all, the poor little bugs have been starved for 3 full days. I still feel ok, in fact I woke easier this morning than I have over recent days.
I had a half dose of the drink at lunchtime again today. I’m just not hungry.
Tea was two small lamb chops. I still needed to get the fat and carbs for the day in, so I figured I’d just shot the coconut oil, a tablespoon at a time. I’ve done this before and found I could swallow a tablespoon ok. Well, not tonight. Uh uh. I doubt it even hit my stomach before it came back up again. Ew. I hate throwing up, even if it is just a tablespoon of coconut oil. Next plan…
Coconut honey butter. Blend the two together and it makes a buttery spread type of thing. It actually tastes quite good, although still very sweet. And there seems to be a lot of it. It’s 3.5 tablespoons of coconut oil and 2 tablespoons of honey. I’m working my way through half a teaspoon at a time, and it’s melting as I go so I have to keep putting it back in the fridge to chill again! It’s almost like dessert, extra sweet. Still, at least it’s staying down. Day 4 is in the bag.